Another Walter story

Walter told me the story of how he first met Marcel Duchamp.

He was a young high school student studying in the library in the home of Louise and Walter Arensberg. A gnome of a man entered the library and said "we'll meet again" and then disappeared.

When Walter was a young art curator he put a bit of white shoe polish in his hair, he said so he would look older than he was so he would be trusted more. He was a curator at the Pasadena Museum of Art. He was preparing the Marcel Duchamp retrospective. (This is a photo I took this winter of what was the Pasadena Art Museum in Walter's time. It is now the Pacific Asian Museum.)

Upon seeing Walter, Marcel said "and so we meet again."


I love your art work, and glad to see you in a rewarding career. I knew a Ahava back in the early 1980's, and helped her move to San Francisco. If you are her, and I would love reconnect. You can reach me at:
And see what I am up to at:
Roger L. James, the one who liked collecting antique books, and playing to much D & D.

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