“Don’t Postpone Joy”

Introducing: Dr. Oliver Socks and Timo Makinen

We are proud parents of two full blood Ragdoll kittens.

They are littermates and soooo much fun.

A local catering company in our town produced a saying and bumper stickers “Don’t Postpone Joy”. I think that’s a great motto. Do the bucket list now!

On my bucket list (done)
- obtain an art degree
- get married to a loving man
- become a nurse
- work in Hospice
- move to NC
- renovate a historic, old home
- mom to lovely cats
- buy a Mini Cooper

Things to do:
- bronze sculptures
- make more gold and silver jewelry
- maybe, write a book
- spend more time with friends and family
- make new friends
- go to Europe

No time to waste!


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