Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all.

Previously I had mused on the mortal quilt challenge. The point was for me to challenge myself that if this was going to be my last quilt - to attempt to produce an exceptional work. In practice I was not thrilled with my result. But I like the concept of choosing and working on a piece that I think would be memorable.

Last year (yesterday) I drove down from San Francisco in a long road trip. I spoke with my significant other about what we each wanted in the new year.

  • I want to make significant art: a significant quilt top, many significant bronzes.

  • I want to become settled in my new field of nursing: critical care nursing.

  • I want to streamline our home including: change to xeriscaping except for roses in spots, donating and selling items we are not using.

This year I want to do more bronze sculptures. I want to do a gold locket in lost-wax casting. I want to organize my studios: both the "clean" studio (the quilt and drawing studio) and the "messy" studio (the woodworking and sculpture studio).

2008 was a good year. It was about about transitions. I want 2009 to be about focus.

More art. Less stuff. More fun!


Unknown said…
That's a really good goal. I'm sure you'll accomplish it!

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