Compulsive Kitten Fever (CKF)

O.K. I confess I have succumbed to compulsive kitten fever. We have placed a deposit on a KITTEN. He is currently in Kitten Intensive Care Unit (KICU) by some really cool people from the Rosebud Society, a 501 (c) (3) charity.

Here's my progression of this contagious disease (so you can be forewarned):

  • Compulsively viewing cat adoption web sites online every time I log-in the computer.

  • Dragging best friend to a shelter and transmitting kitten fever to her (and becoming godmom of her kittens).

  • Posting more blog entries about my cats than my long-suffering spouse (LSS).

  • Find amusement in cat scratches on the hardwood floors I paid to have redone.

  • Making a quilt called "Hot Cocoa" for the sofa so the cats have a softer, warmer sleep spot than the leather sofa.

  • Dragging LSS to cat shelters instead of working on finishing the kitchen project.

  • Dragging LSS to view oh-my-God kittens at a kind foster mom's house.

  • And then the sign of full-blown fever: adopting a 1 lb. bundle of fun.

I will have to wait a month for "Max", short for Maximilian, to graduate from KICU.

Meanwhile the kind foster mom is doing frequent supplemental feedings because Max's mom was undernourished. The society is helping mom rehabilitate also. Once her kittens are weaned I'm sure she will blossom into quite the elegant lady. She's pretty right now even after all that she has been through. It is cool to see her cooing to her kittens to call them and then nursing them while purring to them.

Max is a long-haired, blue-eyed, blue-point Siamese mix. Silly me, I didn't take my digital camera. So no photos yet. I am afraid that this blog will become Max's "baby book" once he gets home. He is fearless!

It's kitten season. I'd love to hear if any of this blog's readers have also succumbed to CKF. Let's see photos. ;-)


I'm Chris and I have compulsive cat disease. I never seem to get them as kittens or I'd probably have 20 cats by now. All the cats but one we have had have come from shelters and they weren't kittens when we got them. The calico I have now was a neighborhood stray.
Carin said…
I think I have CKF we have 4 cats because I can't walk past kittens.
I can't wait to see pictures!

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