The Lush Desert

We visited the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix Arizona on December 26, 2007. It was fabulous. The Sonoran desert is a “lush desert”. This sounds like a contradiction. It was filled with wildlife as well as cool plants. We saw rabbits, quail, and lots of birds. Some cool woodpeckers made homes in the cacti that later became homes to other wildlife.

The air was cool and very dry. It was great to be there and experience the diversity of climates that we are blessed with.

I enjoyed seeing an entire neighborhood in Scottsdale landscape in exclusively native gardens: cacti, succulents, palo verde trees set in decomposed granite and dry creek beds of river rocks (my favorite!) The desert landscapes look so much more beautiful than the irrigated lawns etc. in other neighborhoods. I also enjoyed that Phoenix and Scottsdale had a definite style and sense of place. Complete with highway overpasses decorated with lizards with more river rocks forming their spines.

The visit gave me more food for thought in redesigning my landscaping towards a more authentic Southern Californian coastal scrub style. I fear the roses in the back yard may have to go. (Sorry, I’m keeping my white flower garden in the front – even though it’s full of non-natives.)


Hi Ahava,
I love cacti, great photos, thanks for sharing. On my bar stools I just used the batting that was on the stools originally when I bought them, so I don't really have an answer for you. They came out great though.

I think what you do professionally is an incredible thing. I am a Hodgkin's Disease survivor, the nurses at my doc's office were my lifeline. Angels. I still get tears in my eyes when I think of them. I was an occupational therapist for many years, I know we don't realize what we mean to our patients.

Thanks for checking in to Redfishcircle.
Amy - thanks for the visit and kind words. I think the oncology patients and their families are the ones who are incredible. It is the most difficult work I've ever done but also the most rewarding.

Thank you for sharing your history with me. It will add to the pleasure I have of enjoying your art and blog.

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